KABK alumni at Dutch Design Week 2020

During the Dutch Design Week 2020, from 17 - 25 October, ddw.nl offers all kinds of new possibilities and features designed especially for the virtual festival.

Find below an overview of the exhibitions, presentations, chats & project collaborations with participating KABK alumni (from our bachelor's Graphic Design, Interactive/Media/Design, Interior Architecture & Furniture Design and master's Industrial Design, Interior Architecture INSIDE, Artistic Research) during this virtual edition of DDW 2020.

LIMB-O - Marlot Meyer in The Self Design Academy/MU
(Bachelor Interactive Media Design 2020)

LIMB-O by Marlot Meyer (BA I/M/D 2020)
photo: MU/Boudewijn Bollmann

The interactive media installation LIMB-O accentuates the powers and dialogues that occur within our body, and our physical and digital environments. It produces a space where our intuition is encouraged to push us into a wider range of possible experiences. Technology can offer a new kind of perception: a networked, communal, travelling knowledge-making that eventually reminds us that we already know.

More info on ddw
Marlot graduated from the BA Interactive/Media/Design in 2020

Novel - Carmen Roca Igual
(Bachelor Interactive Media Design 2020)

Novel - Carmen Roca Igual (IMD 2020)
KABK graduation installation 2020 - photo Charlotte Brand

"Novel" flickers between the masks we wear in society. The girls go through an introspective journey in a quarantine, accompanied by their phones and devices. They use frontal cameras and gossip to find themselves and augment their reality.

More info on ddw.nl

This project is part of Manifestations and nominated for the Young Talent Award 2020
Carmen graduated from the BA Interactive/Media/Design in 2020

Silicon Sights - Adam Centko
(Bachelor Interactive Media Design 2020)

‘Silicon Sights’ is a visual exploration of Adam's research into the camera and the value of an image. He assigns his alter ego to explore the digital realms and report back, resulting in a collage of moving images from cameras in different dimensions: physical, digital, and latent.

More info on ddw.nl
Adam graduated from the BA Interactive/Media/Design in 2020

The Care Water Closet (CWC) - Mary Farwy
(Master Interior Architecture INSIDE 2020)

The Care Water Closet (CWC) - Mary Fawry (INSIDE 2020)
The care agents; Ferti, Bubbly and Pupazzo

The Care Water Closet (CWC) proposes a future scenario of the everyday toilet, mobilised with care tools for the ‘normal human’. Look! Care here is for the self, the others and the water. So, what does individual and collective care mean when everything is about speed, in times of digital domination? The care watercloset, the care agents and their care tools, are createed as an alien senario, reflecting on the current world we live in and to emphasize on the urgency to care in times of care crisis. The care watercloset focuses on both; the mental care crisis and the water crisis.

More info on ddw.nl
Mary graduated from the MA Interior Architecture (INSIDE) in 2020

#helloeveryone! - Aušra Česnauskytė
(Master Interior Architecture INSIDE 2020)

helloeveryone - Aušra Česnauskytė (INSIDE 2020)
Aušra Česnauskytė

The project #helloeveryone! invites everyone to step into the very near future - the time when technology and machines will reach sufficient levels of efficiency and leave us with enough time to rediscover our human nature. What will the new city landscape look like? What kind of role will human play within it?

More info on ddw.nl
Aušra graduated from the MA Interior Architecture (INSIDE) in 2020

Bank of Care - Teresa Feldman
(Master Industrial Design 2020)

Bank of Care - Teresa Feldman (MID 2020)
User account: accumulation of records

Bank of Care is an alternative banking system that’s based on the unpaid care labour in the domestic sphere. It accumulates records of the ongoing, most basic human economy that maintains our wellbeing. And simultaneously finds ways to support its members, financially.

More info on ddw.nl
Teresa graduated from the MA Industrial Design in 2020

Interference 53°N,42°E - Sandipan Nath (Master Industrial Design 2020)

Sandipan Nath - Interference 53°N,42°E
Interactive A/V Installation

Interference 53°N,42°E is a research project dealing with human generated underwater noise pollution in the North Sea. With three different iterations (v1.0, v2.0 and v3.0), it focuses on different multimedia and multisensory ways to represent and experience the chaotic underwater sonic environment.

More info on ddw.nl
Sandipan graduated from the MA Industrial Design in 2020

HOMEomorphism -NEE NEE collective
Orbit Pots - Shun Yoon (Bachelor Interior Architecture & Furniture Design 2020)

HOMEomorphism collection of NEE NEE collective - Orbit Pots (right) by Yoon Shun (Bachelor Interior Architecture & Furniture Design 2020)
Orbit Pots by Shun Yoon & Surfaced #11 by Sho Ota - HOMEomorphism collection, NEE NEE collective - photo: Yuta Sawamura

The conceptions of HOMEomorphism stem from a shared interest in domestic space in the era of COVID-19. Nee Nee Collective gathered divergent perspectives and styles cohere into a witty and mind-bending reinvention of domestic life aptly relevant to reflect on current transformation in our lives.

Nee Nee collective consists of six artists/designers: Ahn, Hansol Kim, Kurina Sohn, Sho Ota, Yoon Shun, and June Park based in the Netherlands and South Korea.

More info on ddw.nl
Yoon Shun graduated at the BA Interior Architecture & Furniture Design in 2020.

TIE THE KNOT - Pien Post and Maria Beaumaster
(Bachelor Interior Architecture & Furniture Design 2019)

TIE THE KNOT - Maria Beaumaster and Pien Post
photo: Hanna Burgers

Inspired by the physical and emotional complexities of knotted connections, designers Pien Post and Maria Beaumaster will debut the exhibition TIE THE KNOT, 17-25 October 2020 as part of the DDW 2020 virtual platform. TIE THE KNOT is a performative exhibition exploring the ideas, material output, and processes of knotting as emotional and physical connection.

More info on ddw.nl
Pien & Maria both graduated from the BA Interior Architecture & Furniture Design in 2019

Follow the Gloss - Karina Zavidova
(Bachelor Graphic Design 2016)

Follow the Gloss - Karina Zavidova (GD 2020)
Followthegloss.online, website, 2020 - Rude Strategies

Followthegloss.online is a virtual tour, focusing on digital beauty trends and their physical manifestations. To control and analyze our desire of gloss, we track and document the visions of gloss and the environments where gloss can be found. This publication is created in Amsterdam during a series of one-day tours, visiting locations picked after looking at their virtual representations. From fashion brand headquarters to a skincare shop.

Karina graduated from the BA Graphic Design in 2016

Creative Industries Fund NL - Talent Tours
Gilles de Brock,
Sissel Marie Tonn, Tereza Ruller

Every year, emerging design talents are given the opportunity to develop themselves optimally in artistic and professional terms, thanks to a grant from the Creative Industries Fund NL. The 2020 crop of talents has now been visualized in one-minute film portraits.
In addition to online exhibition during DDW, you can watch the 39 videos in MU Artspace since 18 September as well as on stimuleringsfonds.nl/talentplatform.

With i.e. KABK alumni
Gilles de Brock
(Graphic Design 2013) - one-minute film portrait Gilles de Brock
Sissel Marie Tonn
(Master Artistic Research 2015) - one-minute film portrait Sissel Marie Tonn
Tereza Ruller
(Graphic Design 2015) - one-minute film portrait Tereza Ruller

More info on ddw.nl



17 oktober 2020 00.00 - 25 oktober 2020 23.59



Meer info

DDW takes place virtually this year - https://ddw.nl/

