The guidance of the students’ artistic development takes place continuously, through ongoing discussions between students and teachers about their work and work processes. In addition to mentors and coaches, an independent student counsellor and a confidential counsellor can assist with concerns about study progress and/or issues of a more personal nature.
Student counsellor
The counsellor provides information on and assists (where possible) with the following matters:
- Personal problems
- Problems with study progress due to illness or a chronic condition
- Functional constraints (autism, AD(H)D, dyslexia, etc.)
- Mental-emotional constraints (depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, etc.)
- Stress
- (Possible) Lack of study progress
- Study motivation, planning, methods
- Communication challenges (how to deal with ('Dutch") feedback)
- Professional procedures (BSA, exam committee, etc.)
- Grants eo financial issues
The student counsellor represents the individual interests of the students and is bound by a duty of confidentiality. The counsellor can also mediate or make referrals to agencies or individuals outside the Academy. Third parties are contacted if necessary, but only with the approval of the student.
Confidential counsellor
The confidential counsellor is the first point of contact for students who have complaints about undesirable behavior, integrity issues, or (social) safety. Examples are sexually intimating behavior, bullying, aggression, racism, discrimination, or any other kind of unwanted, inappropriate behavior. We do not accept this kind of behavior. We hope you will share your experiences on these topics with the confidential counsellor. For you to feel better, for us to learn from your experiences. The confidential counsellor offers a listening ear and can help to clarify the problem. She can guide and advise you on the matter at hand.
Maybe you want to file an official complaint and want to know more about the procedure or other related matters. Maybe you don’t want to file an official complaint but it would help to share your thoughts, doubts, and feelings. All is well. If you do wish to file an official complaint, the confidential counsellor can support you, prepare this together, and guide you along the way.
Students can find more information and contact details available at the KABK-portal