Het afstudeerproject LIMB-O van Marlot Meyer in MU Eindhoven

15 september 2020

LIMB-O, het afstudeerproject van Marlot Meyer (BA I/M/D) wordt gepresenteerd vanaf 18 september t/m 22 november 2020 in The Self Design Academy expo van MU Hybrid Art Space in Eindhoven. In The Self Design Academy, een gezamenlijk initiatief van MU en de Image Society, onderzoeken 18 kunstenaars en designers samen met de bezoekers hoe we onszelf kunnen definiëren, begrijpen en ontwerpen. Geïnspireerd door Mieke Gerritzens nieuw te verschijnen boek 'Help Your Self', over de almaar toenemende populariteit van de zelfhulpindustrie, richten we ons op de creatieve strategieën en technieken waarmee we onszelf kunnen ontwikkelen, en hoe we die met anderen delen.

Meer informatie en details over het programma vindt u op de website van MU.

Project description

LIMB-O was created in the digital and physical world, yet exists in spaces of the physical installation, the body, the digital interface, and the continuous flow of data between these human and non-human participants.

Through the audience, the body, and the network’s participation, both online and offline, LIMB-O attempts to illustrate that one is continuously creating the other. Actions and reactions entangled in each other, communicating through live streaming platforms, microprocessors, valves, compressed air, tubes, touch sensors, inflatables, bodies, electrical impulses and the Internet.

The installation’s structure reflects the interconnectedness of the digital network and physical world. But also reflects our internal network of vessels which carry oxygen, chemicals and electricity through our body. These structures are reflections of each other, and of the communication which constantly occurs on micro and macro scale.

Marlot Meyer is an Interactive Media Artist who creates works that fill spaces with performative content, interactive spaces and installations. She creates thresholds in space that act as both boundary and bridge: investigations of spaces in relation the body, public and private, local and global, metaphysical and material. Working from her deep connection to her physical body, her works explore the redefinition of the ‘body’, and how this, combined with energy, and the mind, interacts with the world. This world could be physical, virtual, or the liminal space in between.

For her graduation project LIMB-O, Marlot Meyer received two prizes, namely the Heden Start Prize and the STROOM Encouragement Prize during the KABK Graduation Awards 2020 .