INSIDE magazine #13

10 november 2022

The 13th edition of the INSIDE magazine, a publication of the Master Interior Architecture (INSIDE) programme at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK), is out now. This edition showcases a selection of work of INSIDE students under the theme of “The moment of Utopia".

This year's online magazine includes the first year studios with Studio Makkink & Bey, Ira Koers and Gerjan Streng in collaboration with Claudio Saccucci and Michou-Nanon de Bruijn. It shows the results of the Flows Program of Superuse, the Theory program of Anne Hoogewoning, the results of the Skills workshops and the Travel program assembled every year by Hans Venhuizen.

Browse the digital version of the 13th edition of the INSIDE Magazine:

Graduating students

INSIDE presents 10 students who graduated in 2022. Students who, throughout their studies, have been extra challenged by the constraints of the pandemic. Their start was between two lockdowns and even much of the travel and location exploration ended up taking place online. They turned out to be a group that could cope with the constraints and still manage to manifest themselves. The awareness of the great importance of the human encounter in the built environment was reflected in almost all the graduation projects.

Ilaria Palmieri
researched and designed ways of giving refugees more agency in their precarious living situations by enabling them to become hosts. Malte Sonneschein and Caterina Tioli worked on the re-activation of public spaces in The Hague. While Chen Liu's project consists of observing and influencing peoples behaviour in communal space. Tjitske Hartstra presents proposals for girls to 'hack' the built environment and Ariana Amir Hosseini activates a sense of belonging through dining. Georgina Pantazopoulou designs dialogues to create future domesticities which respects the users. But not all graduates work directly with the people who use the space. Eda Karaböcek repairs traces of a damaged landscape. Mae Alderliesten shows how materials evoke tactility. And finally Tom Šebestíková makes invisible forces like electricity, perceivable.