The 14th edition of the INSIDE magazine, a publication of the
This year’s online edition showcases the first year studios guided by Michou Nanon de Bruijn (Studio Makkink & Bey), Nasim Razavian and Gerjan Streng in collaboration with Diederik de Koning (LaDiDa). It shows the results of the Flows program of Superuse/Jillian Chen, the Theory & Research program of Anne Hoogewoning, the result of the Skills workshops, the Guest-Host lecture programme by Ilaria Palmieri and Malte Sonnenschein and the Travel program assembled by Hans Venhuizen. Lastly it of course includes the Graduation Work of our nine graduates.
Browse the digital version of the newest edition of the INSIDE Magazine:
Second year (graduating) students:
Anneliese Greve
Lina Hülsmann
Sharon Li
Julianna Gräf
Njål Granhus
Margherita Issori
Charlotte Savine
Nuri Kim
Pharaz Azimi
First year students:
Anđela Brnas
Nasma Al-Shutfa
Alicia Rottke Fitzpatrick
Luka Smišek
Mirco Azzopardi
Ronald Bal
Athina Botonaki
Adar Cohen
Kyunga Kim
Daan Maarse
Ina Patsali
Nika Dundua
Graphic Design of Booklet and Website by Design Office students (BA Graphic Design): Joana Soares de Albergaria Ambar Sobral & Julie Sørensen, guided by Pjotr de Jong and Edward Dzulaj.