Translation Exhibition
On Monday 11 December, 3rd year Interactive/Media/Design students will be presenting an exhibition at the KABK Bleijenburg.
The exhibition consists of a curated space of works made by the I/M/D students for the Multimedia Artistic Development (M.A.D.) class. The works consist of recreations of images from each students' cultural heritage.
Participating students:
Alina Boehm, Proud Devakula, Tim Enghardt, Thea Frommenwiler, Diego Grandry, Lukasz Gula, Jamie Hornis, Latisha Horstink, Jan Köhler, Ligia Maasland, Moze Mertens, Anna Pelgrim, Moritz Salla, Malena Ugaz, Micah Westera
The Multimedia Artistic Development (M.A.D.) course is taught by Jonah Lamers in the first semester of the 3rd year of the I/M/D bachelor programme and is one of the taught courses aimed at connecting the students’ personal interests and creative development to the demands of the outside world as a way of reflecting on present social, cultural and technological trends and issues.