Sensing the Place @ Sonic Acts Academy
Sensing the Place is the outcome of a student research project at Damen Shiprepair, in which artist and ArtScience Interfaculty tutor Cocky Eek, along with ArtScience alumna Nicky Assmann, Benny Nilsen and architect/creative researcher Renske Maria van Dam led a collaboration between ArtScience and Sonic Acts Academy.
Students of the ArtScience Interfaculty were invited to think about different possibilities of sensing a place and to create maps based on their cognition of smell, touch, vibrations, light, and sound. As an outcome of their research, they devised an experimental and experiential environment that will be open to the public during the Sonic Acts Academy. Visitors will be able to embark on a sensorial trip based on uncommon approaches to navigating through space.
Participating students
Ana Oosting, Anni Nöps, Catherine Ostraya, Vakki Park, Jesús Canuto Iglesias, Mischa Lind, Sophia Bulgakova, Soeria van den Wijngaard, Vera Khvaleva and Youngji Cho.
Sensing the Place is open during the Sonic Acts Academy at Motorkade 9.
Friday 23 and Saturday 24 February: 12.30–20.00
Sunday 25 February: 13.00–19.00