Arts & Culture

As the KABK, we celebrate and continue to contribute to The Hague’s rich cultural and artistic heritage.

Discover the city’s many museums:

Kunstmuseum Den Haag, KM21 & Fotomuseum Den Haag, Mauritshuis, Panorama Mesdag, Escher in the Palace, Museum Voorlinden.

Theatres in The Hague:

Filmhuis Den Haag, Theater a/h Spui, Paard van Troje, Korzo Theater, Zuiderstrandtheater, Theater Dakota,

Artist initiatives, project spaces and art platforms:

1646, Billytown, Het Nutshuis, Nest, The Grey Space in the Middle

Annual festivals and art events:

During the year there are several major art events organised all over the country. You can find a small selection of these events mentioned below.

Art events in The Hague:
Crossing Border, TodaysArt, Rewire Festival, Hoogtij The Hague

Art events in other cities of the Netherlands:
Art Rotterdam, Dutch Design Week (, Unseen Amsterdam (, International Film Festival Rotterdam (

    Museum card

    A good piece of advice is to purchase a Museum card, because it gives you free access to over 400 museums in the Netherlands. If you are younger than 18, you pay a reduced fee. The easiest way to obtain the card is to visit one of the big museums in The Hague but you can also order a card online.

    You can buy a card that is valid for one year or you can take out a subscription that extends your museum card automatically after one year. More information can be found on: