After graduating from secondary school (Gymnasium) I went to the KABK, to study at the department of Fine Arts. In my graduation year I started a combination study with teachers from the Graphic Design department and graduated with, among other works, a gigantic wooden book of 5 meters spread. During my final year of studies I started teaching graphics at the School for Young Talent. I remained teaching at the KABK after my graduation, and took up coordinating tasks in the preparatory courses. Next to that I started a Master's program on didactic methods in teaching dance, music, theater, film and art history and obtained my MA Education in Teaching Arts at the University of Leiden. I taught at various secondary schools in The Hague (Johan de Wittcollege and Gymnasium Sorghvliet, among others) and gave workshops at festivals, schools and other institutes. Since 2008 I have been Head of the Preparatory Courses at the KABK.
The world of art, design and culture is interwoven with my life and has taken various forms. As an actress at a theater company in Amsterdam, drummer in a band, illustrator, member of an artists' collective, winner of various art prizes, baker of (bridal) cakes, participant in art auctions, solo exhibitions, group exhibitions etc. Since 2017 I am chairman of the Round Table, the national consultation of the preparatory courses of all art academies in The Netherlands. In this role I am involved as a speaker and participant in various national consultations, working groups and European conferences. In 2019 I started a European collaboration with Plymouth College of Art and Ernst Litfass Schüle Berlin: ECCITE. European Collaboration of Creative Institutes in Transition Education. In 2020 we organized our first European conference in Berlin. At the beginning of 2020, our PCA partner joined Morley College London and we are working towards a major conference in London 2022.