Hieronder vind je een overzicht van onze alumni per jaar:
Adar Cohen
Ina Patsali
Alicia Rottke Fitzpatrick
Athina Botonaki
Daan Maarse
Kyunga Kim
Luka Smišek
Mirco Azzopardi
Nasma Al-Shutfa
Nika Dundua
Pharaz Azimi
Julianna Gräf
Njål Granhus
Anneliese Greve
Lina Hülsmann
Margherita Issori
Nuri Kim
Sharon Li
Charlotte Savine
Mae Alderliesten
Ariana Amir Hosseini
Tjitske Hartstra
Eda Karaböcek
Chen Liu
Ilaria Palmieri
Georgina Pantazopoulou
Tom Šebestíková
Malte Leon Sonnenschein
Caterina Tioli
Florian Bart
Alicja Będkowska
Tereza Chroñáková
Johannes Equizi
Julia Holmgren
Martyna Kildaitė
Aaron Kopp
Elisa Piazzi
Natalia Pośnik
Jeanne Rousselot
Junyao Yi
Devina Amelia
Michael Barchini
Natali Blugerman
Aušra Česnauskytė
Mary Farwy
Sebastian Koukkides
Davida Rauch
Shripal Shah
Samantha Vosse
Keyi Xiang
INSIDE Graduation theme 2019:
There is a wall that exists that is not always acknowledged. It separates the actor from the audience, the tourist from the local, education from its context, the city from the citizen, the old shopping mall from its new possibilities, the homeless from the homed, the city from its memories, the school from its students, the spatial condition from the human body, legacy from contemporary needs.
Nine graduates from the Master Interior Architecture (INSIDE) at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, position themselves between these distinctions and ask what lies Beyond the Fourth Wall?
Jack Bardwell
Laura Frías Muñoz del Cerro
Lotti Gostic
Yunkyung Lee
I-Chieh Liu
Hande Öğün
Adriel Quiroz Silva
Daniele Valentino
Huaxin Zhang
Jinaa Baek
Joe Basset
Zara Bennett
Janneke Derksen
Eva González de Yanes
Shin Young Kang
Eunhye Dylana Kim
Yu-Chin Ku
Yuan Chun Liu
Pichaya Puapoomcharoen
Goda Verikaitė
Farah Zamri
Isadora Simao Davide
Minjung Kang
Klodiana Millona
Makiko Morinaga
Arvand Pourabbasi
Mila Tešić
David Arjuna Benz
Hegiasri Karlina Hutaries Cahyoko
Camilla Casiccia
Elena Sara Conrad
Anique Marisya van Helden
Hee Jung Kim
Sisi Li
Helan Miao
Yuiko Yokota
Zacharias Antoniades | Junyuan Chen | Emilija Juodite | Elide Mozzorecchi
Klinphaka Keawcharoen (Thailand) | Qing Liao (China) | Ni Nan (China) | Joanne Smith (Scotland) | Roy Yin (China) | Guan Yuting (China)
Minsun Kim (South Korea) | Wei Hsun Chen (South Korea) | Photini Mermyga (Greece)