KABK fototalent in BredaPhoto Festival
This year's edition of BredaPhoto Festival To Infinity and Beyond, features a project by KABK Photography student Tina Farifteh, selected within the International Talent Program 2018, as well as work by top photography talent, among whom KABK alumni Sjoerd Knibbeler, Lola Keyezua and Jan Dirk van der Burg.
Academy - International Talent Program 2018
Students from eight international art academies participated in the Academy section of the International Talent Program 2018 of the BredaPhoto Festival. Under the supervision of their teachers, the students worked on projects within the theme To Infinity and Beyond, made presentations and participated in a final pitch to determine the finalists to present their work in this year's festival. KABK Photography student Tina Farifteh was one of the 15 finalists, selected to present their projects.
With her series Killer Skies, Tina Farifteh touches upon the psychological impact of the constant threat of drone attacks. She shows innocent skies of the days of attack in another part of the world and tries to imagine "what it is like to fearfully look up at a beautiful clear sky, when drones have the best view".
‘These drones have turned the eye into a weapon’
Every day she photographed the sky and searched the database of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism whether a drone attack had taken place that day. On average, she counted one attack every four days. Her photos show skies of the days of attack. "What does this technology mean for the future of warfare", asks Farifteh.
"Is it still war if the opponent can not defend himself? And what does it mean for democracy when citizens are barely aware of the structural war that their country is involved in?"
Killer Skies will be on view until 21 October during BredaPhoto Festival, at the location Puijfelik & Backer & Rueb.
Tina Farifteh, Killer Skies
Top meets Talent - BredaPhoto Festival
KABK Photography alumni Sjoerd Knibbeler, Jan Dirk van der Burg and I/M/D alumna Lola Keyezua are among the photographers exhibiting their work in this 8th edition of BredaPhoto Festival. Jan Dirk van der Burg has been appointed Photographer Laureate 2018.
Puijfelik & Backer & Rueb (Tina Farifteh & Lola Keyezua)
Breda Botanique (Sjoerd Knibbeler & Dirk van der Burg)
Meer info
dinsdag t/m zondag 10:00 - 17:00