Marijn van der Leeuw

Marijn van der Leeuw (NL) studeerde in 2018 af aan de KABK in de bacheloropleiding Fotografie.

Eervolle vermelding Paul Schuitema Prijs 2018

Afstudeerproject 2018

Meanwhile, a solid rock can become incoherent sand and then a castle

Certain events in life can rock the foundations of your convictions. When life took an unexpected turn, I expected to be reduced to a blank paper. Yet this paper turned out not to be blank but a 0,5 college ruled (graph) paper. The ones on which we, from primary school on, learn to write between the given lines and do math. I strongly felt the urge to create some elbow room for each individual line and get rid of the predetermined pattern. This act of ‘ventilating’ was the starting point of a project in which I try to loosen up fixed structures and fixate what is coincidental. Reviewing objects in their multitude and play with their versatility. A reminder that a solid rock can become incoherent sand and then a castle (and vice versa).

Thesis: Where clouds become animals

We sometimes tend to see things as being a natural phenomena instead of acknowledge its constructed origin. In four individual yet complementary essays ‘Where clouds become animals’ subjectively looks into different ways of eliminating automatic perception and defamiliarisation with what is so well known, this in order to take our time and be amased by the present instead of what is already experienced.