Daniël Gerard Siegersma

Daniël Siegersma (NL) studeerde in 2018 af aan de KABK in de bacheloropleiding Fotografie.

Eervolle vermelding afdelingsprijs Bachelor Fotografie 2018

Afstudeerproject 2018


My family has no tradition.
Yet, my region is full of them.

I have never really thought about this when I was growing up, but that’s just the way it was. The decorations in my house are relics of my ancestors that are mainly there to commemorate them as people. The relics belong to the rural traditions primarily practiced in Twente and partly over the border to Germany. Seeing those relics as a kid made my curiosity about these rural events rise. The relics become a form of latent traditions that I try to be involved in.

Are we by default participants of our regional traditions or do we need to gain it actively?