This years' encouragement opportunities were made possible thanks to Stichting tot Steun, Paul Schuitema, Jan Roëde Stichting, Stroom Den Haag, Heden Den Haag, Waag Futurelab, iii Instrument Inventors, Academiewinkel, Pulchri Studio and Keep an Eye Foundation. The grants comprise scholarships, coaching trajectories, residencies, exhibition of work and support with production work. Find the winners of the Encouragement Awards listed below.
Stichting tot Steun Award
The scholarships were awarded to:
Alice Vink (Graphic Design, 2023): "Alice has created an exceptional and balanced combination of wonder, engagement and form. Alice's research has transformed itself into an autonomous work of art that arouses amazement in the viewer and at the same time provides insight into a hitherto virtually hidden world."
Nienke Roth (Photography, 2023): "The committee appreciated her way of presenting as a whole. Nienke tried to make a connection between past, present and future through the subject 'Waterwolf'. She tried to make the viewer see the concept of 'Waterwolf' in a different way with the help of 'language'."
Isa Roelink (Fine Arts, 2023): "The committee was impressed by Isa's color palette and her humour. She literally interweaves myths, dreams and reality in her own unique way."
Myra-Ida van der Veen (Artscience Interfaculty, 2023): "The committee is impressed by the way in which different forms of expression are combined and arrive at a completely unique form and sound for its project."
Lakisha Apostel (Fine Arts, 2023): "The act was very convincing, impressive and must have demanded a lot of their stamina. Lakisha Apostel's group made an impressive and transformed connection between current events and the history of the people of Curaçao."
Jacob Wallet (Artscience Interfaculty, 2023): "The committee was impressed by the combination of art and science. The committee has also recognized that over time the work has changed. Bringing together and integrating art and science is what the academy advocates, but it is also quite a challenge in such a process to arrive at a convincing form that actually communicates."
Read the whole jury report of the winners.
Waag Futurelab
Waag Futurelab will give the following winners the opportunity to showcase their work in one of Waag’s public events between the summer break and December 2023:
Myles Merkcel (BA Artscience,2023)
Alicja Konkol (MA Non Linear Narrative, 2023)
Paul Schuitema Stipendium
The committee has decided to grant the Paul Schuitema Stipendium 2023 (€ 3000,-) to Manon Carpentier for "Fenetre Sur… Textures in Architecture"
"Fenetre Sur… Textures in Architecture is a promising, applied, and accessible proposition of social and environmental relevance – developing an architectural material from residue wood and experimenting with texture and expression. [....] the Schuitema comity invites Manon to use the stipendium to develop the qualities of the material itself as a building material. Thus, further uncovering its tectonic potential, with a strong emphasis on developing aesthetics, exploring interactive applications, and establishing a supportive network." Read the whole jury report.
Jan Roëde award
The Jan Roëde Award comprises of a scholarship of €3000. This prize was awarded to:
Jemina de Jonge (Fine Arts, 2023): "With A Body of Water, Jemima constructed a rabbit hole for the viewer. Entering it, the jury imagined themselves in a Wonderland. As we went from space to space in this ever-expanding diorama, we were sucked into an overwhelming overall experience. With delicately conceived choreography, A Body of Water manages to silently transform the visitor from spectator to participant." Read the whole jury report.
iii Residency award
The four week residency at iii workspace, which includes a fee of €2100 and a production budget of €1030, was awarded to:
Jan Zuiderveld (Master Artscience, 2023) - "We see great potential in the research of Jan Zuiderveld, we are curious to discover what other artistic applications of generative AI he will develop in the future." Read the whole jury report.
Stroom Talent Award
The Stroom Talent Award offers a coaching trajectory for one year to the following graduates:
Myra Ida van der Veen (BA Artscience, 2023)
Christian Schwarz (BA Artscience, 2023)
Silke Riis (Fine Arts, 2023)
Milou Chen (BA Artscience, 2023)
Heden Startprijs
The coaching trajectory for one year with exhibition was awarded to:
Jemina de Jonge (Fine Arts, 2023)
Keep an Eye Textile & Fashion Scholarship
The Keep an Eye scholarship comprises €10.000 which was awarded to:
Xiaoyu Wen (Textile & Fashion, 2023)
Pulchri Studio
Isa Roelink (BA Fine Arts, 2023) is offered an exhibition space at The Hague Art fair and has been awarded the Pulchri Rotary Prize 2023.
Hani Ony Chladilova (BA Photography, 2023) & Megan Irusta Cornet (BA Photography, 2023) have been invited to show their video work during Museum Night at Pulchri Studio.
The following graduates will be offered an exhibition at Pulchri Studio's Garden Gallery and a one-year free membership:
Scott van Kampen Wieling (BA Photography, 2023)
Justin Grooten (BA Photography, 2023)
Erika Peucelle (BA Fine Arts, 2023)
Finn Stevenhagen (BA ArtScience, 2023)
Isa Roelink (BA Fine Arts, 2023)
Anne Grete Berg (BA Fine Arts, 2023)
This page will be updated when other winners are announced.