Studium Generale: 'I am so angry - I made a sign' - Adinda Akkermans

Lecture by Adinda Akkermans

Anger is often seen as annoying and not constructive. But doesn’t real change often start with anger?

The protesters of the sev­enties are the elite of 2019. Are the internet trolls nowadays really different from the Dolle Mina’s of the past? Can anger lead to something positive? What are you angry about? And would you risk your life for your ideals?

European history has many examples of people who did that. Constantin Jinga, for example, was shot during the Romanian revolution and calls that day the happiest of his life. Get to know Jinga and many others in the I’m So Angry Pop-up Museum, a traveling exhibition about revolu­tion and protest, which also con­fronts you with your own ideals.

Adinda Akkermans (Den Haag,1983) is a writer, radio maker and researcher for media as NRC Handelsblad, Human and VPRO. She is one of the journalists of the Iron Curtain Project, a multi ­media project that made a travelling pop­up museum about anger. She studied sociology and wrote two books: Bibeb, biechtmoeder van Nederland en Ministerraad op vrijdag, about the most progres­sive cabinet of the Netherlands.



14 maart 2019 16.00 - 17:30


Auditorium KABK