Studium Generale: 'Are you Metamodern?' - Emil Ejner Friis
Lecture by Emil Ejner Friis
In this lecture, Emil Ejner Friis will present the most recognisable cognitive thought patterns that appear when we go beyond postmodernism, in particular, the five ways of thinking that are typical of metamodern thinkers.
The lecture will begin with a short introduction to the different stages of thought, modern, postmodern, metamodern, followed by a presentation of the five common habits of thought to be found in metamodern people: 1) an awareness of allergies, 2) a belief in development and progress, 3) an understanding of hierarchies, 4) aiming at reconstruction and 5) thinking ‘both-and’.
Emil Ejner Friis (Stenløse, 1981) is a Danish/Swedish writer and philosopher and a cofounder of the think tank project Metamoderna. He has helped the great Hanzi Freinacht publish The Listening Society: A Metamodern Guide to Politics, Book Two (2017) and its sequel, Nordic Ideology (2019). For the past few years he has also been working as a developmental editor for the writer, philanthropist and exfinancier Tomas Björkman on the books Världen vi skapar (2017) and the new and updated English language edition titled The World We Create (2019). He is currently working on a new secret book project together with Hanzi Freinacht and his close ally Daniel Görtz. In addition, he’s tinkering about at the progressive ITcompany Glimworks in Lund, Sweden and is involved in the planning of the construction of a Metamodern monastery in Kiev, Ukraine.