Studium Generale - Bioremediation: Regenerative Remedies for Toxic Realities

How can we engage the power of living systems to heal toxic and damaged soils and support ecological recovery and resilience?

We will explore collaborations with the many bacteria, fungi, and plants that are some of the Earth's finest and oldest disaster responders, alchemists, and healers. Through the use of plants (phytoremediation), bacteria (microbial remediation) and fungi (mycoremediation), heavy metals and chemicals in contaminated soils and water may be immobilized, extracted or broken down.

This conversation will provide an introduction to different bioremediation tools for detoxifying and revitalizing the gardens, lands and waters that nourish and sustain us, highlighting community projects and inspiring practitioners who are working with regenerative remedies to transform toxic realities.

Programme of EarthCraft's Kindred Soils session #6

Location: Auditorium & Courtyard, KABK, The Hague

17:00 - 18:30 CET
~ Food & garden party hosted by KABK students

18:30 - 19:30 CET
~ Lecture Leila Darwish (zoom)

19:30 - 20:30 CET
~ Victoria McKenzie in conversation with Leila Darwish

Playlist material

Bio Leila Darwish
Leila Darwish (she/her) is a community organizer, author, educator, permaculture designer, and disaster worker with a deep commitment to providing accessible and transformative tools for communities dealing with the toxic contamination of their soil and water. Her work is rooted in environmental and social justice, inspired by the power of community action, reciprocity, resilience, and regenerative earth repair. Leila is the author of, “Earth Repair: A Grassroots Guide to Healing Toxic and Damaged Landscapes” (New Society Publishers, 2013. Audio book, 2021). For over a decade, she has taught bioremediation courses in communities across North America. Leila currently works in the field of emergency management and disaster recovery, supporting communities impacted by disasters and on the frontlines of climate change.

Bio Victoria McKenzie
Victoria McKenzie (she/her) is an academic-activist, educator and artist. Her work focuses on the interconnections and entanglements of the Earth where the realms of the individual, collective (human and more-than-human) and systems align. Trained in Research Architecture and Ecology, Victoria currently runs an architectural-research agency called ‘RRA’ Radical Research & Re-storying Agency which is informed by the question: “how can the precolonial past inform a decolonial future”. Both Victoria’s research and practice are grounded in the ways in which building, being and communing are connected. She has worked with a variety of architectural practices and arts institutions such us ICE Institute for Creative Exchange, Cittadellarte, Triennale di Milano, Amisacho Restoracíon, Somerset House, Forensic Architecture, and Royal Academy of Design at the Hague—to connect art, design, politics and ecology in order to continuously communicate, dream and make new futures into existence.



25 mei 2023 17.00 - 20:30


Auditorium & Courtyard KABK

Meer info

Part of the Spring Cycle series of lectures Earth Craft - Studium Generale 2022-2023