Pablo Perez

Pablo Perez (1992, CH / ES) is a multi-disciplinary designer, visual researcher, and graduate of the master Non Linear Narrative

Interview Pablo Perez

Pablo Perez interviewed by Cristina Lavosi during the Graduation Show 2021 at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK).

From Odds and Ends

Graduation project 2020-2021 by Pablo Pereza
Audio installation with fabric

Built From Odds and Ends, this project explores the relationship between useful labour and futile creativity. Or maybe the other way around. Drawing from revolutionary thoughts and values from the Paris Commune, this installation questions the relation between work, arts, and crafts. It aims to create a space that supports the materialization of collective agency through a temporary practice of laziness, in opposition to individual ambition and injunctions to productivity.

Following in the footsteps of exiled Communards, you are invited to meander along the sunny shores of Lake Geneva, through 150 years of workers' daily lives, solidarity gatherings, communal imaginary, and ineffective artworks.

From Odds and Ends, NLN Graduation project 2020-2021 by Pablo Pereza
Installation view, KABK Graduation Show 2021, photo: Roel Backaert
From Odds and Ends, NLN Graduation project 2020-2021 by Pablo Pereza
Installation view, KABK Graduation Show 2021, photo: Roel Backaert