Kornelija Chaleckyte

Kornelija Chaleckyte (LT) studeerde in 2018 af aan de KABK in de bacheloropleiding Interieurarchitectuur en Meubelontwerpen.

Winnaar afdelingsprijs Interieurarchitectuur 2018

Afstudeerproject 2018

Irregular Wall

Through the advancement in the production technology of building materials, all the elements have become standardised and perfect. When building walls, the human behind the building process becomes almost invisible. ’Irregular Wall’ is a project that analyses the boundary between technology and craft. It investigates the most regular and unchanging building element - a brick. By interfering in the production process, when brick reaches its standard shape but is still wet and flexible, I start the building process of my wall. By having a dialogue between the material and me, I turn the regular blocks into irregular fitting elements. By doing so, I bring the lost human touch back to the wall’s building structure.