Exposed 2024: Meet us at the supermarket

10 juli 2024

The Textile & Fashion department of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague presented its new designers during the annual fashion show EXPOSED 2024 on Thursday 14 June. The event took place at a new special location: the Megastores.

That location at the Megastores between the MacDonalds and the Aldi on the ground floor was chosen for a reason: this years' show was about 'Meet us at the supermarket'. The supermarket was not just a place where we celebrated the work of our students, but also served as a metaphor for the times we live in and the problems that the fashion world has to formulate an answer to.

Next to the collections of the fashion graduates - Wassim El Hodayebi, Yara de Vries, Elke Cloïn, Patryk Ochmanski, Peter Wertman, Ziah Zhang, Sophia Bogstedt and Julia Groven - the show comprised collections by second- and third-year students and silhouet pieces made by first year students.

Fashion designer Wassim El Hodayebi has won the Keep an Eye Textile & Fashion Scholarship of €10.000,- with the work 'Waza is a voice inside my Head'. The fourth look of Wassim has already been worn by singer-songwriter FKA Twigs at the Vogue world after party.

The textile graduates, Ieva Drobenkaité, Lotte Roelandse and Azul Espirito Santo will show their work at Paradise in September.

Despite our urge to continuously search and innovate, we now take a pause to share what this curious and tenacious generation of designers has to say. Find more info about the graduation projects in the Graduation Catalogue. Next to that, you can view the works of the Textile & Fashion graduates, but also of the first-, second- and third-year students in this booklet:

Powered by Keep an Eye Foundation

Just like previous years, Exposed has been supported by the Keep an Eye Foundation. The Keep an Eye Foundation supports young, promising talent in the field of art and design. Through various grants, awards, shows and festivals, creative makers are given the opportunity to develop their talent, create new opportunities and, above all, realise their dreams.