Tânia Raposo (1986, Portugal) is a designer, educator and researcher. She graduated from Type and Media in 2010, and has developed a research project at the Atelier National de Recherche Typographique (ANRT), a post-master program about the archive of the Swiss type and graphic designer Hans-Jürg Hunziker from 2020 to 2022. She is currently living in France working on a PhD with the University of Paris VIII in collaboration with the ANRT. Tânia is teaching typography at ENSAD Nancy and at Type and Media.
She worked as the Educational Program Coordinator and curatorial assistant at Letterform Archive, taught at the California College of the Arts, San Francisco City College, Type@Cooper West program and the HBKSAAR in Germany. Previously, she worked at the graphic design studios Atlas and Itemzero and the type foundry Feliciano Type.