Presentation & portfolio coach, and tutor at the BA department of
Ingeborg Horst is educated and trained in interior architecture and garden-and landscape architecture.
She has a design studio in a former pottery factory in the historic center of Gouda.
In her designs she loves to create space and quality. Space in this regard is equal to spatiality and it can be created everywhere. In natural and urban environments, in gardens, in every interior space, in a piece of furniture and even in details. Quality gives the environment in question a suitable appearance or identity. Since 2001 Ingeborg is a design teacher at the IAFD department of the KABK.
The last few years at the special Evening Studio she helps students with their design work and design questions. For assessments she offers a helping hand and a critical eye when setting up presentations or portfolio’s. Inspiration for her work she finds in nature, in architecture and art and in general in all kinds of creating aspects of our humanity.