WE ARE THAT WE ARE – WE THAT ARE WE ARE: an performance by ArtScience Interfaculty

WE ARE THAT WE ARE – WE THAT ARE WE ARE* is a joint performance by students from the ArtScience Interfaculty of the Royal Academy of Art, and the Composition Department of the Royal Conservatoire The Hague.

Together, students explore collective play and discover new ways to inter-link diverse practices.

The performance is the result of a one-week exchange workshop and experimentation in Zaal 3, with scoring techniques such as permutations and event-chains.

*the title is inspired by the permutational poem “I AM THAT I AM” by Brion Gysin (1960).



1 maart 2024 20.30 - 1 februari 2024 21.30


ZAAL 3, DEN HAAG De Constant Rebecqueplein 20A


Tickets € 5 – € 16,50 https://www.hnt.nl/voorstellingen/8807/artscience-interfaculty-kabk-composition-department-royal-conservatoire-the-hague/we-are-that-we-are-we-that-are-we-are