The Hague Independent Publishing Event: A momentary space for books

For two weeks in the end of August, Paradise becomes a platform of encounter and gathering, collecting and connecting books and people in The Hague. Friends and strangers – all welcome. Paradise is an initiative of West The Hague and the KABK with the goal of providing a platform for talent.

It is an offer for The Hague's publishing and book community to meet in a space, to exchange, encounter each other and anyone else who is interested in books. There will be three rooms that open up different conversations around the book and publishing, a café space to hang out and have a chat with each other and a bookmarket at the end.

The event is facilitated by Hannah Schleifer (KABK Photography alumna 2024 and founder of ringelpress), Vincent van Baar (graphic designer and editorial design tutor at KABK) and Malva Askerup (graphic design student at KABK) and is supported by the KABK Photography Department.

Exhibition 1: 17-22 August

Books that were made / printed / published / exhibited in The Hague

(Wednesday 21 August: soft launch of 'The Hague Art Book Guide' by Anthony Blokdijk)

Exhibition 2: 23-29 August

Books that were found in The Hague, from bookshelves of thriftshops, without any aim to be of artistic value.

Book market: Saturday 31 August

Sign up for the book market here.



17 augustus 2024 14.00 - 31 augustus 2024 18.00


Paradise, Groenewegje 136, The Hague

Meer info

Fri - Sun: 14.00 - 21.00

