OVERPR!NT is the fruit of years of cooperation between some of Europe’s top art schools, members of the Printmaking Union. The constant flux of exchanges allows the emergence of a non-uniform thinking and creation.



Editions as seditions, prints as means of counter-information, from pamphlets to samizdats, from posters to clandestine press : the history of print being one of diffusion of ideas and images, it is therefore logical that print becomes the vehicle for rebellious ones. This is the source reflexion for OVERPR!NT : what can you say in print over, under and between the official lines?

The three-month exhibition will involve workshops, master classes and performances. It will aim at offering access to the widest audience possible. Curated by Jean Pierre Muller, it will involve the Printmaking Union partners.

About the Printmaking Union

The Printmaking Union is an international research initiative that creates knowledge and dialogue as it develops exchanges between students and mentors via workshops, courses, a shared web platform, conferences, publications, exhibitions and events. It focuses on the triple problematic of design, production and distribution. Participating institutions include:

  • Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • ENSAV La Cambre
  • Koninklijke Academie Antwerpen
  • Central Saint Martins London
  • HGB Leipzig
  • PrintRoom Rotterdam
  • Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK)

Participating Bachelor Fine Arts students from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague:

Nanhee Kim
Merel van Erpers Roijaards
Natasha Papika
Jinbin Chen
Saar Bouwens
Erlend Eversen
Nadja Temper



27 april 2018 19.00 - 22:00


Museum Centre de la Gravure et de l'image imprimée 10, rue des Amours. B-7100 La Louvière Belgium

Meer info

Opening 27 April

The exhibition is on view until 16 September.
Opening hours exhibition: daily from 10:00 till 18:00
Closed on Mondays