Event/Horizon - reactivating James Turrell’s magnificent Celestial Vault

You are cordially invited for the opening of Event/Horizon - a manifestation of 2nd & 3rd year Graphic Design students - to reactivate James Turrell’s magnificent Celestial Vault, the artificial crater built in 1996 on the rubble of WW2. With an opening speech by Alice Twemlow, Lector Design at the KABK.

Event/Horizon explores the vast proliferation of predictive practices within the Anthropocene —an epoch supposedly marked by the impossibility of scientific forecasts— wherein a limitless hunger for the calculation of “future” (future-price, future-crime, future-climate, future-use, future-wish, and so on) turns against itself and renders its lucrative scientific models vessels for cheerful superstition.

Turrell’s celestial vault collapses the sky onto the earth — the earth into an artificial crater. A negative space, blind to Mercator’s projection, in which vectors lose their capacity for territorial navigation.

Within this off-shore vault, Event/Horizon hallucinates models for investment, casted into pictorial, anachronistic divinations that allude to far-gone narrations. An imprint of an extra-celestial body — echos of vast warfare, amplify oratory melodies of other-earthly vibrations.

Event/Horizon is mentored by Confusion of Tongues.

Special thanks to Stroom Den Haag, in particular Vincent de Boer (chair of art in public space).

Opening Speech by Alice Twemlow.



24 mei 2019 18.00 - 20:00


Celestial Vault Kijkduin
Machiel Vrijenhoeklaan 175, 2555 NA Den Haag, Netherlands

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