
The Wood Workshop is an open and accessible place for students of the KABK. It is an experimental workshop for students of all interests, specialties and levels of knowledge focused on woodworking.

In addition to hand tools and electrical equipment, the Wood Workshop has versatile woodworking machines, including sawing, milling, drilling, turning and planing.

360 view of the Wood Workshop

What you can do at the Wood Workshop

Stationary machinery, including the vertically mounted circular saw, band saw, cut-off saw, jigsaw, cylindrical saw, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sanding machines, require prior instructions on their use.

The workshop supervisor gives students permission to operate this machinery independently after training and depending on the skills demonstrated. Some equipment can only be operated by the workshop supervisor. The Wood Workshop often collaborates with the Metal Workshop and 3D Lab, providing many opportunities for students to create interesting work.

More information

On the KABK portal you will find more information about the opening hours and contact info of the workshop supervisors.