"The butterfly invites you to open and fly along"

23 oktober 2023

Daniele Formica (Fine Arts, 2019) and Kexin Hao (Graphic Design, 2021) are working on the campaign for the Open Day on 25 November (10.00 - 16.00h). Last academic year, they also designed the campaign for the Graduation Show that took place from 30 June to 4 July. This campaign for the Open Day is a follow-up on the one for the Graduation Show.

Every year, alums can apply for an open call to design the campaign for these two events. In this article, Evita (Copywriter KABK) has a conversation with Daniele and Kexin about their concept for the Graduation Show and Open Day 2023 campaign.

Evita: Why did you two apply for the open call last March?

Kexin: Well, that’s a story. Daniele texted me with his idea and the question if I wanted to apply for this open call with him. Minutes after that, a friend of mine forwarded the open call because this friend thought it would be something I would be up to. So, no choice for me was left then to apply with Daniele.

Daniele: To be honest, I have sent several people a text to apply with me, but you were the first one to respond!

Kexin: Really? I didn’t know that! I am happy I did.

Evita: Can you explain the concept for the Graduation Show and Open Day campaign?

Students hanging their contribution on the wall. Photo: Kexin Hao.

Daniele: My initial idea for the Graduation Show was to develop mascots representing each department because they are the embodiments of the question ‘how to we come together and represent ourselves as a group?’. My inspiration for mascots came from the book Polyamorous Love Song by Jacob Wren.

Kexin: I immediately got to like the idea; I liked the idea of cartoons. It fits my style.

Daniele: We received the feedback that it would be a challenge to agree upon one thing that represents a whole department, so we came up with the idea of a centipede representing the whole academy.

Kexin: We both love participatory art, so we organised a workshop at the KABK. This way, we really came together with students and staff and that’s why it really represents the community. I think it is of added value if your process is good. I also like working with people. Around 80 people showed up. We created a space where people can be creative, we put paint, pencils, and many other things on tables. People just started to make whatever they wanted and hung it on the wall.

Daniele: I like working with people. Also, for me art is more about the process then about the result.

Kexin: I think it is of added value if your process is good.

Sketches of the butterfly for the Open Day 2023 campaign.

Evita: And how did the centipede evolved for the Open Day?

Kexin: The centipede transformed into a butterfly. Initially we had the idea to have the centipede of the Graduation Show as the body, but unfortunately that didn't fit the design. The butterfly opens its wings and flaps its wings. This action points out to the OPEN DAY concept as it is about opening and showing. The butterfly also invites you to open. It invites prospective students to the Open Day, it invites them to fly with the butterfly.

Evita: Can you tell a bit how you designed it?

Kexin: We made a physical butterfly and photographed it from different angles and different proportions. For online purposes we also made a moving graphic so it actually flies.

Evita: You two did definitely not go for the most obvious.

Kexin: It was not a linear project; it was not like we had a concept and now we have a campaign. I like it that we did it totally different and that we embraced the diversity for the Graduation Show campaign and that it now worked out for the Open Day as well.

Visit the Open Day on 25 November from 10.00 - 16.00h.