In STRP Scenario #15: Hybrid Infinities, STRP explores what innovative ways of hybrid interactions are possible, together with guests from various disciplines - from curating digital art to virtual reality, theater and performance art and interaction design. What are valuable, impactful and meaningful ways to connect online and offline audiences.
Hybrid Infinities
STRP Scenario #15
24 February 2022
20:00 - 22:30
Speakers: Anagram, Annet Dekker, Faye Kabali-Kagwa, Leo Scarin, Yannick Noomen
Leo Scarin is a multimedia artist, designer and technologist from Italy living in The Hague, The Netherlands. He graduated from the Interactive/Media/Design department at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague in 2021 with the project 'Variations on a Remote Room'.
How can we bridge physical distances and reclaim lost intimacy in a socially distanced society? How do we design the space for digitally tangible interactions?
Variations on a Remote Room
'Variations on a Remote Room' is a series of digitised living spaces belonging to his friends and loved ones whom he was unable to physically meet during the past year. The work consists of a series of photogrammetries created in remote collaboration and placed into a Virtual Reality environment where the viewer can inhabit, explore, and touch the digital spaces and hear the personal stories and soundscapes of the rooms. In his projects, Leo explores how new technologies can bridge physical distances and create a space for more intimate digital interactions. Having grown up in a digital generation, his work integrates media such as video art, audiovisual performances, graphic design and interactive installations. The practice emerges from an exploration of new technologies and their aesthetics of system hacking in design and artistic processes.