Born in St. Petersburg Natalia Pershina-Yakimanskaya (artist name Gluklya) lives and works in Amsterdam . Considered as one of the pioneers of Russian Performance and relational femenism, she dedicated her practice to the analyses and renders visible the conflicts between a person’s inner world and the political system.
Gluklya’s work Clothes for Demonstration Against False Election of Vladimir Putin has been presented at the 56th Venice Biennale of Art, All the World’s Futures, curated by Okwui Enwezor (2015).
In 2020 -22 Gluklya is researching the life and work of the garment workers of the sweatshops sewing industries in Kyrgyzstan and Indonesia in the context of her research about the comparative Natures of the two Colonialisms: European and Russian/Soviet.
co-founded the artist collective The Factory of Found Clothes (FFC) (1995-2012 )
Chto Delat (from 2003 -ongoing)