Tentoonstelling Cyrus Highsmith - Products of a Thinking Hand
Gerrit Noordzij prize Exhibition and Book Presentation Cyrus Highsmith
From Friday 9 March – Wednesday 28 March, the exhibition Products of a Thinking Hand with work by American type designer Cyrus Highsmith is on show in the Galleries of the Royal Academy of Art. Highsmith is the laureate of the Gerrit Noordzij Prize, an international award for typography and font design that is given to a successful designer by the Royal Academy of Art. Highsmith’s show presents some of his recent works and a publication that was made especially for this occasion by the Type and Media department.
Cyrus Highsmith
Cyrus Highsmith (born 1973, Providence, Rhode Island, the US) works for the renowned American type foundry, Font Bureau. He also teaches at the Rhode Island School of Design and publishes in numerous media and blogs. His fonts are used the world over; he has developed fonts for Rolling Stone Magazine, Men’s Health and The Wall Street Journal, for example, and he has written a much-used introduction to typography, Inside Paragraphs: Typographic Fundamentals.
Deze activiteit wordt ondersteund door de Gemeente Den Haag
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