Studium Generale - Marc van Elburg

Lecture: 'Zineculture as Parasite Culture and the Means and Methods of the Artist/Parasite'

The relation between pre-internet zineculture of the early 1990’s and mainstream culture resembled that of a parasite and its host. Zineculture as a proto-social network was critical on mainstream culture and operated under the radar, outside of copyright laws and market control, while at the same time it was often dependent on that same mainstream culture for its production and distribution.

Recently the view on parasites in contemporary biology has drastically changed. Were parasite before seen as evolutionary degenerates, today parasites are regarded by many biologists as essential forces that shape ecosystems and drive evolution.

Can this changing view also be applied to the changing position of zineculture after the internet and its corporate social networks? And what if a state of parasitic dependency is no longer seen as a sign of failure or something to be overcome in favour of autonomy and self determination, but is instead seen a necessary condition for the production of art?

Studium Generale poster for Marc van Elburg's lecture on 13 February 2020 (lecture series The Parasite, KABK 2019-2020)
poster design by Dayna Casey

Bio - MARC VAN ELBURG (Ommen, 1968) is a Dutch artist and zinester. He was the founder of DIY noise-theatre and zine-library de Hondenkoekjesfabriek (2000-2007) and a curator for Planetart (1999-2001). Marc has recently published zines about an instruction based collective drawing program and a series about the relation between so-called Grawlixes in comics and early Modernism.

Currently he is looking after the Zinedepo zine-library in Motel Spatie in Arnhem Presikhaaf. The latest project coming out of the zine-library involves the parasitic as a conceptual metaphor and meme. It positions the parasitic against typical western concepts of self-determination and autonomy. This concept has become a vehicle to illustrate and develop a variety of ideas regarding self-organization, collectivity and diy ethics. Parallel to this, a ‘parasite academy’ was established within Motel Spatie. This is an ongoing series of get-togethers that focus on projects and exchanging ideas on the parasite concept and the possibility of the parasite as a vehicle for self-education.

Lema Ahmadi says about her artwork:

'It is hard to think of a time before the internet came.
One of the biggest industries on the internet is off course the pornindustry. There are so many options to view whatever your desires request. This has led to great perversion...
But what were people using before to help their imagination......
On the sculpture theree is a pornographic magazine installed from the early 90's. You can flip through it and see that there is a limit to your needs.
You see the time in the images. The sculpture is constructed of metal and covered with latex and styrofoam.
Around the sculpture there are a lot of tissues.
Latex is a material that can resemble skin. The latex is also coloured in skin colour. Also latex is used in very sexy outfits.
The styrofoam is to make it more fleshy. The sculpture doesn't look appealing.
As you flip through the pages underneath you can see the sculptures repelling shapes.
The sculpture is not a pleasant one. It's trying to recreate the feeling of the disgust you feel after masturbating to horrific porn!'



13 februari 2020 16.00 - 17:30


Auditorium KABK