Gather up! Why does it hurt to carry my bag?
The Netherlands positions itself as an open and tolerant society, yet hierarchies are often imposed between the “local” and the “other”. Within this context, arts education is striving to be a site for sharing. Sharing of culture, identity, knowledge and history. “Gather up! Why does it hurt to carry my bag?” is an exhibition by international students of KABK that seek to reveal the weight of the baggage they bear on their shoulders.
It is a call for empathy, care, affection and connection. We welcome you to the local academy to share divergent narratives and exchange experiences. The exhibition is an attempt at inter-cultural and cross-generational communication with the aspiration to uncover how patterns of “othering” come about and distract us from our shared, collective desires for our communities, societies and worlds. It is a call for unity.
“Gather up! Why does it hurt to carry my bag?” takes place within the framework of the World Tour through The Hague in anticipation of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. KABK is proud of its students for using this platform to speak to urgent social causes and contribute new perspectives to this discourse through art and design. Everyone is welcome to join us at the KABK on Saturday 18th March from 12:00 - 17:00 to view the exhibition.
- The doors of the Galleries 1 & 2 open at 12:00 Parcela de Tierra (@_larinhass and @ttenderkite) will kick off the day with the Movement Workshop (iN)Body Presence(Out).
- @aqueene_wilson will visit KABK At 13:00 for a conversation about her practice. Aqueene Wilson is a researcher, visual artist and Caribbean child. She explores and is known for documenting the (colored) body through a vulnerable lens. By researching relevant themes, her work questions the current climate which eventually allows for communal healing, understanding and/or awareness.
- At 13.45, 14.45 and 15.45 @mar_fuqi will perform with her piece «Tell me». The performance lasts around 10 minutes and will happen only 3 times during the event, so make sure to not miss it!