Artscience shortcuts in Het Hem

The Artscience department returns to Het Hem for a showcase of music performances on Friday 14 October.

The former bullet factory will be taken over by musicians and sound artists as well as visual artists for an evening of sonic exploration - showcasing a range of live-sets and bands from the
experimental field of music and sound art.

The Artscience Interfaculty - situated between the Royal Academy of Art and Royal Conservatoire of The Hague - sparks many musical projects and collaborations in the field of New Media Art. While different backgrounds of the students are embraced, it is to expect that a combination of iinteresting approaches to sound and music will be performed, from multichannel composition, to live bands and electronic live acts.

The following students are taking part:

Nursinem Aslan & Christine Hvidt Grønborg
Live Rave Theater
Gemma Luz Bosch
Luca Tornato



14 oktober 2022 18.30 - 23:00

