Dirk Vis

Theory: Thesis

Dirk Vis is theory tutor and thesis supervisor at the Bachelor Graphic Design programme of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK).

Dirk Vis (1981) writes essays, scripts, poetry and fiction. He studied Writing at the Rietveld Academy and Design (MFA) at the Sandberg Institute. His works of fiction have mostly been published in Dutch: a limited edition of the novel Bestseller (2009), the ebook The Reality Essay (2017) and a series of texts called Hypertekst (2010-ongoing) in different media e.g. chapbooks, performances, websites, etcetera.

A number of his essays on art and technology have been translated to English for various art publications (see http://dirkvis.net for a list of publications). Vis is contributing editor of Dutch literary magazine De Gids (The Guide) and founder of De Internet Gids. Vis is lecturer of art and design theory and is currently working on a student manual for artistic research.