Working during your studies

It might be that you’ll have to work alongside your studies. To supplement your income, put your studies into practice, learn new skills or meet new people. If you want to work during your studies, you should keep in mind that there are some formalities you need to take care of. On this page, we have compiled a list of useful websites and employment agencies in order to help you search for a job. Some pages are only available in Dutch but you can use translators such as Google Translate or Deepl Translator to translate pages and some websites are also available in English.

First the rules: am I allowed to work in the Netherlands?

Small jobs (less than 40 hours), bigger jobs, self-employed work, EU/non-EU: in this flyer you will find the basic rules for students who want to work alongside their studies.

If you are an international student and you want to work in addition to your studies, you need to have a work permit (TWV - tewerkstellingsvergunning), unless you are from the EU, EEA or Switzerland. Keep in mind that your employer will need to apply for this and that you will both be making a commitment to each other. Once you have received a work permit, you can work for a maximum of 16 hours a week throughout the year, or full-time during the summer months June, July and August.

Sometimes, having a part-time job may mean that you need to switch to a Dutch health insurance plan. Make sure to check whether it is worth the effort and money to switch plans; it may very well be that it is financially better for you to not be employed while you are studying in The Hague. Your student grant may also not allow you to earn additional money. Failing to switch to a Dutch health insurance once you get a part-time job can result in a fine from the CAK. Click here for more information.

Students from EU member countries that entered the EU before 1 May 2004 do not need a residence document to work in the Netherlands. It is however always required to have a citizen service number (BSN), which you will receive after registration at the municipal registry office.

There are several student job agencies that can help you find work in The Hague. While their websites are primarily in Dutch, it is worth stopping by at their office or giving them a call to see if they have opportunities for you. ​​​​​​​

Freelance work

Unlike with regular student jobs, freelancing in the Netherlands is an option for everyone, regardless of where their passport is from. Neither EU/EEA nor non-EU/EEA students need a work permit to take on their first client. All that you’ll have to do is register with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) as a zzp’er (‘zelfstandige zonder personeel’) to clarify that you’re self-employed without employees. If you’re not an EU citizen, your freelance application will have to be reviewed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs before you can officially begin. Please click here for more information.

​​​​If you decide to work on a self-employed basis (in Dutch: ZZP-er), please contact the SVB and request an assessment of your Wlz position. The SVB will decide whether you need to take out a Dutch public health insurance or not.