A successful collaborative project can benefit both your organisation and students of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK). While valuable for the professional development of our students, these projects most often provide our partners with unexpected insights and surprising solutions.

Proposals for collaborations are always carefully considered with regards to their feasibility and artistic value. We advise you to first read our guidelines for collaboration to ensure we can devise a successful partnership that fits the curriculum, duration and budget. We always customise our collaborations and look forward to working with you!

Partnership benefits

At the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK), we like to collaborate with organisations and companies that are open to experimenting to develop a partnership from which both parties can benefit. We connect students with private companies, non-profit organisations, and government agencies. Through these partnerships, we seek to expand the opportunities offered to our students to connect with fields outside the academy.

Client partners benefit from the inquisitive nature and out-of-the-box solutions offered by KABK students. Students in turn have the opportunity to collaborate with clients on real-world projects that give them relevant job experiences and prepare them for a successful career in the world of art and design.

Types of collaborations

Partnerships can take many forms, depending on the nature of the external organisation, the curriculum of the department, and the outline of the project.

Some of our partners seek to collaborate as supporters of academic events. For example, the Keep an Eye Foundation has supported our annual Fashion Show as a way to support the professional careers of young textile and fashion designers.

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Download the guidelines that apply for external collaborations

Application form for project collaborations

Planning indication
Starting contribution

The KABK requires a start-up contribution for each collaboration with external parties. This is € 500 for non-profit organizations and € 1500 for commercial organizations. This start-up contribution does not cover any costs for production and/or materials. These additional costs will be included in the project's budget.
Indicate the category that applies to your organisation

More information about collaborating with the KABK?
