Mentality - No Style
This event is part of 100 Years of the De Stijl/Mondrian year and belongs to the education programme 'Mentality-No Style’ in which a selected group of 20 KABK-students Graphic Design and Interior Architecture & Furniture Design have worked for almost a year within the mindset of ‘De Stijl’: multidisciplinary and with a strong public character.
From February 2017 the students have been following theory lessons of the style-connoisseurs, and were immersed in all aspects of this artistic movement: of typography and furniture designs to forms of presentation and use of the public space. In collaboration with partners such as The Hague Gemeentemuseum Den Haag and TodaysArt Festival they have planned five public programmes.
The project has been made possible with financial support from the municipality of The Hague.