Tuana İnhan

Tuana İnhan (1994, CY / TR) is a multi-disciplinary designer, visual researcher with a fascination for eco-politics and community building, and graduate of the master Non Linear Narrative

Interview Tuana İnhan

Tuana İnhan interviewed by Benjamin Earl during the Graduation Show 2021 at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK).

House Humans

Graduation project 2020-2021 by Tuana İnhan
Multimedia installation

Plants play different roles in the homes of humans, from decorative backgrounds, to hobbies, to icons of identity. Within the last twenty years, the role of houseplants in domestic space has shifted from providing an occupation for the retiree, to becoming an emotional companion for the youth. The rising popularity of household plants has coincided with social change and an economic boom.

House Humans explores the peculiar connections that humans have to house plants as aesthetic objects in artificial environments. Capturing awkward and popularised behavioural disparities, this audio-visual installation creates a conversation across four different worlds, where ornamental plants are commodities, financial resources, addictions and fetish-objects.

House Humans, NLN Graduation project 2020-2021 by Tuana İnhan
Installation view, KABK Graduation Show 2021, photo: Roel Backaert
House Humans, NLN Graduation project 2020-2021 by Tuana İnhan
Installation view, KABK Graduation Show 2021, photo: Roel Backaert