Sophie Czich

Sophie Czich (1993, FR) is a critical designer, visual researcher, and graduate of the master Non Linear Narrative

Interview Sophie Czich

Sophie Czich interviewed by Cristina Lavosi during the Graduation Show 2021 at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK).

Where the Facade Bends

Graduation project 2020-2021 by Sophie Czich
HD video

Architectural renders are highly realistic images, commonly used for advertising, communication and marketing purposes. They are performative visuals, depicting places that have yet to exist. Happy human archetypes are pasted in the ‘perfect’ house, which is placed in an idealised environment. At the core of this peculiar world-building convention, the narrative of hyper-perfection fashions a sleek paradise, propels capitalist norms and shapes our collective imagination of desirable lifestyles, cities and potential futures.

Where the Facade Bends plays with these 'neither real nor imaginary’ places. With collaged fragments of renders, the video reassembles a new space, a stage for a journey through the backsides, absurdities and ruptures of such smooth surfaces.

Where the Facade Bends, Sophie Czich
Installation view, KABK Graduation Show 2021, photo: Roel Backaert
Where the Facade Bends, Sophie Czich
Installation view, KABK Graduation Show 2021, photo: Roel Backaert