This year the 12th INSIDE magazine, the works and thoughts of the
Thanks to the digital format of this magazine, this year’s selection of the results of this year’s INSIDE programme can be much wider. It includes the first year studios with Studio Makkink & Bey, Ira Koers and Gerjan Streng in collaboration with Klodiana Millona and Axel Timm of raumlaborberlin. It shows the results of the Flows Program of Superuse, the Theory program of Anne Hoogewoning, the results of the Skills workshop by Mauricio Freyre and the Travel program assembled every year by Hans Venhuizen.
Browse the digital version of the 12th edition of the INSIDE Magazine:
Graduating students
This year INSIDE proudly presents 11 graduating students. They have researched a rich variety of social and cultural challenges in various contexts and developed them into proposals for spatial change.
City Metamorphosis: Natalia Pośnik connects movie identity to urban experience. City Shadow: Alicja Będkowska restructured a local market in Poznan to give it resilience. Sušírna: Tereza Chroñáková designed a community reactivation in a Czech village. ENOLA: Junyao Yi designed places in Guangzhou, where you can enjoy being alone. Where Public and Private Meet: Florian Bart reuses principles from 70’s neighbourhoods in other areas. The Nourishing Network: Jeanne Rousselot developed a serious and humorous spatial research method. DearXX: Julia Holmgren provides anonymous space with a lived individuality. Threshold to the magical Cosmos: Aaron Kopp enriched the built environment with magic. Dialogues with anti-landmarks: Martyna Kildaitė explores vacant buildings in Lithuania. Primordi: Johannes Equizi created his own wonderful amazing world. Human and More-Than-Human Rights: Elisa Piazzi raises awareness about the ‘ruins of surplus’.