The 15th ELIA conference (European League of Institutes of the Arts) was held in Rotterdam from 21 to 24 November. At this biennial conference, European art academies discuss current and urgent themes concerning education in the arts. The conference under the theme Resilience and the City: Art, Education, Urbanism, was organised by Codarts and the Willem de Kooning Academy.
The KABK plays an active role within ELIA and together with the Glasgow School of Arts launched ELIA's new Internationalisation Platform in the Spring of 2018.
Prior to the conference, the KABK received more than 30 European academy directors and Heads of Quality Assurance and Internationalisation, the preferred partners of the KABK. The purpose of the reception was to discuss future cooperation plans and provide an insider's look of the education at the KABK with presentations by students, tours through the studios and facilities of the academy and networking moments for staff.
Internationalisation at the KABK
International cooperation is a backbone of the KABK, which translates into an active policy to link students, teachers and staff members to their international colleagues and the professional field.
Internships and study exchange tracks offered abroad are part of the curriculum, and so-called peer groups have been set up to work together in the areas of education, quality assurance, workplace policy and internationalisation.
In the autumn of 2018, a pilot was started on the internationalisation of the curriculum of the Bachelor's programme in Fine Arts. The central question is:
"How does a curriculum fit in with the needs and expectations of an international and socio-culturally diverse student population?"