With a background in arts and journalism, Dirk-Jan Visser (Netherlands 1978) is a documentary photographer, senior lecturer at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague and an active participant in the cultural and political arena, among other things holding a position in the Supervisory Board of World Press Photo Foundation.
In his practice he is interested in ecological challenges and sustainability, using innovative artistic approaches to contribute to the imagination and position of non-human life in our human system. Through photography, stakeholder management and public affairs he aims to reach a large audience to facilitate dialogue on the interrelation between all life to advocate for inclusive decision-making.
Among other things his work was nominated for several Gouden Kalveren (Netherlands Film Festival), he won the Dutch Design Award, his work was exhibited at the MoMA in New York and he presented his latest project New Horizon Initiative at the UN Climate Change summit (COP27) in Egypt.