Restricted accessibility KABK during Prinsjesdag

14 September 2022

On Tuesday, September 20 is Prinsjesdag (in English: Budget Day or Prince's Day). Part of the city center is closed to all traffic and there are also restrictions for pedestrians.

What does this mean for accessing KABK by car or bicycle:

The Casuariestraat and the Prinsessegracht are closed for all traffic between 10.00 – 16.00.

Due to these traffic measures, access to the KABK parking lot for cars and bicycles is only possible before 10.00 and after 16.00.
So if you arrive in time (before 10 am), you can still park your bike or car, but you will not be able to leave the parking lot with your bike or car until after 4 pm.

The front entrance of the building at Prinsessegracht is accessible by bike and on foot.

More information about traffic measures in the city of The Hague on Prinsjesdag