Launch TRIGGER magazine during Paris Photo
FOMU, the museum of photography in Antwerp, Belgium and the Master Photography & Society at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK) team up for the first issue of TRIGGER magazine, a new publication and platform set up by FOMU and Fw:Books. This year’s theme is Impact and the printed magazine will be launched in November 2019 during Paris Photo.
About TRIGGER magazine
This first issue deals with photography's 'impact', in different social and political contexts, in our current time joint and in the past. The core of this issue stems from the questions and concerns with which, the master programme
How can photography function as a tool for environmental change?
What is the role of photographs in political debates?
These questions will be tackled from a photographer’s standpoint, but also from the position of the photograph itself or from the actors (mis)using photographic images to enforce (political) impact. In short, can (or should) photography have (such) an impact on our society?
The issue features contributions by among others 2nd year master Photography students Shadman Shahid, Walter Costa, Chris Becher and Mads Holm and Donald Weber, coordinating teacher of the Master Photography & Society.
Donald Weber is also guest editor of this first issue of TRIGGER magazine.
Important dates regarding TRIGGER magazine's launch
- 7-10 November 2019 - OFFPRINT, Paris
During Paris Photo, TRIGGER will be presented and sold through Fw: Books at OFFPRINT publishing fair.
- Friday 8 November 2019 - Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France
Later that day one of our editors and curator, Rein Deslé, will take part in a panel on ‘female editors and publishing’ during the Photography Magazine Salon at the MEP (Musée Europeènne de la Photographie) at 6pm. - 28 November 2019, FOMU, Antwerp, Belgium
TRIGGER will be launched in the FOMU museum on Thursday November 28th at 6 pm. This event will focus on the local impact of the museum as an institution in the neighbourhood Antwerpen-Zuid (South of Antwerp). Two speakers, -names to be announced soon-, will give a keynote on IMPACT to open the debate in the first thematic of Trigger. This launch event will draw attention not only to the new publication platform but will also introduce wider issues of impact in our current, glocal time joint.