It goes without saying that our academy wants to offer a safe environment for study and work. A safe environment is a prerequisite for studying successfully. We are continually endeavouring to create a climate that prevents transgressive behaviour and to recognise and tackle any signs of this in good time.
However, despite the fact that integrity and openness are high priorities unfortunately we cannot rule out incidents occurring. Experiences with undesirable or deplorable behaviour by teachers or staff at the KABK/University of the Arts or by (fellow) students can result in a sense of insecurity. Complaints may accordingly arise especially if there proves to be insufficient opportunity for people to broach the subject of undesirable behaviour with each other.
Experience has taught us that the majority of complaints arise because of matters relating to communication. The chance of transgressive behaviour is considerably reduced in a culture where students, teachers and staff are used to talking about their attitudes and the way they behave. Should you unfortunately find yourself in a situation that detrimentally affects your performance at the university there are a number of different ways to broach the matter. The best approach depends of course on the case in question.
Types of complaints
We divide the different types of complaints into the following three categories:
1. Those about the content and arrangements for the teaching, the organisation and the general running of affairs
In this case the notifier keeps control, see:
The University of the Arts The Hague uses several procedures to solve complaints, objections and appeals.
The Disputes Procedure is in place for other issues that can arise, which affect the interests of staff members or students. Apart from the Code of Integrity, the Procedure for dealing with complaints of Inappropriate Behaviour, the Protocol for the Confidential Counsellor and the Whistleblowing Regulations, there is the Disputes Procedure.
This procedure describes how staff members or students can lodge objections to decisions of bodies of the university insofar as no other procedure is available by virtue of the law, the collective agreement for Universities of Applied Sciences (cao-hbo) or other existing university regulations.
2. Those about undesirable behaviour such as (sexual) intimidation, aggression and violence, bullying, racism and discrimination
In this case the notifier keeps control, see:
In addition to the Code of Integrity, the Procedure for dealing with complaints of inappropriate behaviour and the Protocol for the confidential counsellor are part of the policy to guarantee a safe climate to work and study in at the University.
The members of the Inappropriate Behaviour Complaints Committee are:
- mr. Sabine van Staden, independent chairperson
- Suzanne Konings, head of Music Theory, Royal Conservatoire
- Julia Stegeman, teacher, Education department, Royal Conservatoire
- Ingrid Grünwald, coordinator Graphic Design BA
- Dave Willé, coordinator Interactive/Media/Design
The university’s confidential counsellors are:
- Karlijn Mofers, external confidential counsellor
- Eric de Ruijter, external confidential counsellor
- Femke de Haan, internal confidential counsellor KABK
- Maaike den Dunnen, internal confidential counsellor Royal Conservatoire
The external confidential counsellors are not connected to the HdK; the internal confidential counsellors also fulfil another role within the KABK or the KC.
3. Those about lack of integrity through abuse of power, negligence, fraud, theft, embezzlement, corruption etc.
In this case the board of the institution has control, see:
The Code of Integrity and the Code of Conduct on Standards of Behaviour lay down the basic principles of how staff and students should behave towards each other and their surroundings; in other words, what is regarded as desirable behaviour. The Codes also offer scope for challenging persons whose behaviour can be considered reprehensible.
Code of Integrity and Conduct of Conduct (the new codes will be published shortly)
From 2016 onward for all employees of the University of the Arts an up-to-date Certificate of Good Conduct is required (in Dutch: Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag - VOG). This is part of the University of the Arts’ policy to provide a safe work and learning environment for pupils, students, teachers and staff.
A Certificate of Good Conduct makes it clear whether any conduct in an employee’s past constitutes an obstacle to carrying out a particular job. The screening authority Justis of the Ministry of Security and Justice issues a certificate if the applicant has not committed a criminal offence that can be connected with his or her job in the past four years.
The Whistleblowing Regulations serve as a protocol to allow staff to report alleged irregularities of a general, operational and financial nature at the University without jeopardising their legal position. The regulations are not intended for personal complaints by staff and students concerning matters affecting themselves or conscientious objections relating to performing customary activities at the university.
What you should do
Talk first
Students can talk with the coordinator of their department, or with the head of department; teachers and staff can talk with their manager;
Get in touch with a confidential counsellor or the student counsellor
Get in touch with the confidential counsellor or the student counsellor for an exploratory talk or advice about pursuing the complaint or not through a formal procedure, or notifying alleged.
The university’s confidential counsellors are:
- Karlijn Mofers, external confidential counsellor
- Eric de Ruijter, external confidential counsellor
- Femke de Haan, internal confidential counsellor KABK
- Maaike den Dunnen, internal confidential counsellor Royal Conservatoire
Submit a complaint via one of the digital complaints desks:
Check the rules that apply beforehand in the Complaints Procedure (for dealing with complaints of inappropriate behaviour)
Contact independent reporting point MORES
Independent reporting point for undesirable behaviour in the performing arts, television and film sector, art education and museums: