Stella Kim winner of the Keep an Eye Textile & Fashion Award 2019
18 June 2019
The Keep an Eye Textile & Fashion Award was handed out to Stella Kim on Friday 14 June, during EXPOSED 2019 – powered by Keep an Eye Foundation. The jury – comprising of Ninke Bloemberg (curator Centraal Museum), Christa van der Meer (Das Leben am Haverkamp and alumna Fashion KABK), Maarten Spruyt en Remi Veldhoven (alumna Textile KABK) – rewarded Stella with a cash prize of €10.000,- to be used for postgraduate studies and/or further research into her design practice.
Artificial Calm, Stellla Hyunji Kim
Ninke Bloemberg, heading the jury said:
"The jury has unanimously appointed Stella Kim as the winner of the prize. Her work is layered, personal and has an expressive power of a universal level, while it emits a high museum quality".
The Keep an Eye Foundation supports talented young artists. By providing grants and awards the foundation assist the brightest musicians, artists, designers and filmmakers to develop their talents, create new opportunities and above all achieve their creative goals.