Marijn van der Eyden

Marijn van der Eyden (NL) studeerde in 2018 af aan de KABK in de bacheloropleiding Textiel en Mode.

Genomineerde afdelingsprijs Textiel en Mode 2018

Afstudeerproject 2018

Perceelnummer 3927

Perceelnummer: 3927 is inspired by the pure connection between a boy named ‘Jack’ and the objects in his room in the movie ‘Room’ (Lenny Abrahamson, 2015). A connection in which all the objects around him are meaningful. This we do not experience to that extend in our daily surrounding that tends to exist only as a background behind our stories. In my project that background is the story itself. I am building a house out of the ‘normal’ materials that are around us everywhere. All objects that do not have a decorative function but do decorate space. I am searching for a new connection to the materials and spaces that are already surrounding us. I want to reveal the three-dimensionality and detailedness of our surrounding.