Greta Desirée Facchinato

Greta Desirée Facchinato (IT/LU) studeerde in 2018 af aan de KABK in de masteropleiding Artistic Research.

Winnaar afdelingsprijs MA Artistic Research 2018

Afstudeerproject 2018

FOAM - The Listening Body

one by one performance where the costume of the performer is reconsidered as a hidden stage. The materials involved are memory foam and nude lycra textile: materials which are commonly used to isolate and to filter what is supposedly wanted to be revealed. The space of the costume-stage invites the audience and the performer to come closer, to reach for a hug, to meet, even though still distant. To snuggle and to penetrate, to sink in or to stretch towards the inside, towards the outside. A body which inhabits an another body. A moment of isolation. An intrusion in a corporeal cavity.