Vakken & studiepunten 2022-2023

De masteropleiding ArtScience duurt twee jaar en bestaat uit 120 studiepunten.

Zie hieronder een overzicht van de cursussen/ECTS in jaar 1 en 2 of download het Curriculum.

ArtScience Courses of Choice*18
Excursion Ars Electronica1
Introduction to Studio Techniques1
The ArtScience Context1
M1/M2-Meetings (Semester 1+2)4
Individual Study Track (IST)10
Research Methodologies2
Presentation Semester 18
Presentation Semester 215
Totaal studiepunten per year60

*The ‘ArtScience Courses of Choice’ in the curriculum can be chosen from all the courses offered by the department (or in collaboration with KC/KABK) that are mentioned in the Course Descriptions (including those in the Exchange Weeks with Sonology and Composition). The student is required to follow enough courses to obtain the amount of ECTS as mentioned in the Curriculum of his/her year of study. Eventually, other courses within KC/KABK and MediaTechnology (Leiden University) can alternatively be taken, but only after prior approval by coach or head of department and to a maximum of 6 ECTS. Courses part of the CASS Exchange Weeks count as normal ArtScience courses.

ArtScience Courses of Choice*


Individual Study Track (IST)13
M1/M2-Meetings (Semester 1+2)4
Master Thesis8
Presentation Semester 18
Preview Exam2
Presentation Semester 2 (Master Final Presentation)15
Totaal studiepunten per year60

*The ‘ArtScience Courses of Choice’ in the curriculum can be chosen from all the courses offered by the department (or in collaboration with KC/KABK) that are mentioned in the Course Descriptions (including those in the Exchange Weeks with Sonology and Composition). The student is required to follow enough courses to obtain the amount of ECTS as mentioned in the Curriculum of his/her year of study. Eventually, other courses within KC/KABK and MediaTechnology (Leiden University) can alternatively be taken, but only after prior approval by coach or head of department and to a maximum of 6 ECTS. Courses part of the CASS Exchange Weeks count as normal ArtScience courses.

OER 2023-2024

Onderwijs- en Examenregeling

Informatie over de regelingen met betrekking tot de organisatie van het programma en de daarmee samenhangende beoordelingen en examens vind je in de Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER)